It's Time for Coke to truck off!

Calling all elves!

World's top plastics polluter Coca-Cola sponsored COP this year, saying: “Through the COP27 partnership, the Coca-Cola system aims to support collective action against climate change.”

We say: It's time to end this hypocrisy. Hopefully we can stop not only their ecocidal festive truck tour, but eventually consign this whole sorry addiction to plastic to the wastebin of history.

This year Coke shrouded their truck tour in secrecy because of our past actions, read how the Daily Star reported this, catch up on previous years truck-stopping actions at the links below

Coca Cola Christmas Truck - London O2 Arena Visit Cancelled - Daily Express

Plastic Protest Foils Coca Cola’s Plans - Real Media


Catch up on the latest reporting on our naughty elves disruption of the toxic truck tour!